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The quintessential Conservative woman joins OutNews Global

Proving that Out News Global is all about diversity, the lady standing up for the Conservative women is joining our team.

Just back from climbing Mount Kilimanjaro accompanied by her cleaning lady to raise funds for the WI, we are proud to present Vera Dundee.

She is bringing her VD ethics to the world with the 3Ms: morals. manners, and make up. Vera wants to take things back to a simpler time, when there were no PC shenanigans or even mental health issues. When gays were happy serving teas and coffees in the sky and fingering your hair.

Vera is always beautifully turned out

Believe it or not, Vera is a huge advocate of diversity in the work place. She has a big butch lesbian called Doris doing her plumbing once a month, and her cleaning lady is from Glasgow. As she herself says, “you can’t get more diverse than that”. Though of course being a Conservative, she has not met many gays herself. When her dear friend Lady Nanson suggested that perhaps her two hairdressers at “Go and Blow,” Eduardo and Wendall, might be a pair Vera protested “Oh no dear they are Brazilians.”

Vera has her finger in many pies; she is an agony aunt and an adviser on fashion to many celebrities and even royalty, all of whom are constantly calling for fashion and etiquette advice. She recently acknowledges herself as being responsible for a storm passing by a certain house when Vera was called upon for advice on how to dress with more dignity.

Her award-winning jams are not just popular with the ladies at the Conservative Club and the WI markets; a certain president was thought to have helicoptered in to get a lick of her strawberry preserve. No stranger to scandal, Vera is up in arms though at claims that he took his trousers down during the visit and she spanked him with The Sun newspaper. “It’s Fake News” she said, “I only read the Daily Mail newspaper and The Lady Magazine”. She sets the record straight here:

Vera is here to help and enlighten you all with her informative videos. She is the woman to watch out for, and who knows – one day VD for PM.She loves you all!

Don’t miss out on Vera’s words of wisdom. We’ll be publishing more and more of her, erm, unique videos so keep checking back for more. Go on, you know you want to.

About the author


4 thoughts on “Breaking! We’ve got VD”

  1. The world according to Vera Dundee makes for a great read and lots of laughs. Thank you VD for letting us in. xx

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